Graphics Programs Reference
In-Depth Information
FIGURE 23.22
The surf board
after applying
Add Crease tool
The surfboard is grossly deformed, but you can see how the side faces have now become flat
and the edges of the face form a crease. You could use the Add Crease tool to sharpen the edge
of the fins. This would also have the effect of making the fins thinner.
Splitting and Extruding a Mesh Face
There are two more tools that can be a great aid in editing your meshes: Split Face and Extrude
Face. The Split Face tool will split a face into two faces. The Extrude Face tool behaves like the
Extrude Face tool you have seen for 3D solids. Both of these tools are a bit tricky to use, so they
bear a closer look.
To use the Split Face tool, you first select a mesh face, then select two points, one on each side
of the face. The following exercise shows how it works:
1. Open the SplitMesh.dwg sample file from the Chapter 23 folder, which can be obtained
at This file contains a simple mesh box that
has been smoothed.
2. Type MESHSPLIT ↵ (or choose Modify Mesh Editing Split Face from the menu bar).
3. Click the face shown in Figure 23.23.
4. Move the cursor to the left edge of the face until you see a knife icon appear next to
the cursor.
5. Click roughly in the middle of the edge.
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