Graphics Programs Reference
In-Depth Information
You're almost ready to do some drawing. Before you begin, turn off the Dynamic Input display.
The Dynamic Input display is a great tool, but while you're learning how to enter coordinates,
it can be a distraction.
1. Locate the Dynamic Input tool in the status bar and click it to turn it off. You can tell it is
off when it turns a light gray color (Figure 2.3).
The Dynamic
Input, Polar Track-
ing, and Object
Snap tools
2. Locate the Polar Tracking tool in the status bar and click it to turn it on. The Polar Tracking
tool should now be blue, indicating that it is on (Figure 2.3).
3. Locate the Object Snap tool in the status bar and click it to turn it off. The Object Snap tool
should now be gray, indicating that it is off (Figure 2.3).
You'll get a chance to work with the Dynamic Input display and Object Snap a bit later in this
chapter. I'm asking you to turn these features off for now to simplify AutoCAD's behavior.
Now you can begin to explore the drawing process. To begin a drawing, follow these steps:
1. Click the Line tool on the Tool Sets palette. You can also choose Draw Line from the
menu bar or type L ↵.
You've just issued the Line command. AutoCAD responds in two ways. First, you see
the message
Specify first point:
in the Command prompt, asking you to select a point to begin your line. Also, the cursor
changes its appearance; it no longer has a square in the crosshairs. This is a clue telling
you to pick a point to start a line.
2. Using the left mouse button, select a point in the drawing area near the center. After you
select the point, AutoCAD changes the prompt to this:
Specify next point or [Undo]:
Now as you move the mouse around, notice the line with one end fixed on the point you
just selected and the other end following the cursor in a rubber-banding motion (see the
first image in Figure 2.4).
3. Move the cursor to a location directly to the left or right of the point you clicked, and
you'll see a dotted horizontal line appear along with a message at the cursor. This action
also occurs when you point directly up or down. Your cursor seems to jump to a horizon-
tal or vertical position (Figure 2.5).
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