Graphics Programs Reference
In-Depth Information
TABLE 20.2:
Interference Checking dialog box options
First Set
Specifies the number of objects in the first set of selected objects
Second Set
Specifies the number of objects in the second set of selected objects
Interfering Pairs Found
Indicates the number of interferences found
Delete Interference
Objects Created On Close
Deletes the interference object after the dialog box is closed
Zoom To Pair
Zooms to the interference object while you're using the Previous and Next
Highlights the previous interference object
Highlights the next interference object if multiple objects are present
Pan Realtime
Closes the dialog box to allow you to use Pan Realtime
Zoom Realtime
Closes the dialog box to allow you to use Zoom Realtime
3D Orbit
Closes the dialog box to allow you to use 3D Orbit
The prompt for the Interference command also showed some options. The prompt in step 2
shows Nested selection/Settings. The Nested selection option lets you select objects that
are nested in a block or an Xref. The Settings option opens the Interference Settings dialog box
(Figure 20.40).
FIGURE 20.40
Settings for inter-
This dialog box offers settings for the temporary display of interference objects while you're
using the Interference command. Table 20.3 lists the options for this dialog box.
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