Graphics Programs Reference
In-Depth Information
Square Root The Square Root option numbers the knots based on the square root of the
chord length between consecutive knots.
Uniform The Uniform option numbers the knots in consecutive integers.
Degree This option is available only if CV is chosen in the Method option discussed previ-
ously. The Degree option gives you control over the number of control vectors required to
create a bend in the spline. You can use the value 1, 2, or 3. The 1 value will cause the spline
to produce straight lines, 2 will generate sharp curves, and 3 will generate less-sharp curves.
In simple terms, the Degree value controls how closely the spline follows its control polyline.
Object Object lets you convert a polyline into a spline. If the Fit option is selected under
the Method option, you can convert only a spline-fi tted polyline. If the CV option is selected
under the Method option, you can select any polyline. With the CV Method option, the
polyline will change shape so that the polyline vectors become control vectors.
Once you start to select points for the spline, you see the end Tangency, toLerance, Undo, and
Close options. Table 17.1 describes these options.
TABLE 17.1:
The Spline command options for selecting points
end Tangency
Gives you control over the tangency at the beginning and end points of the
Lets you control how the curve passes through the fi t points. The default value
of 0 causes the curve to pass through the fi t points. Any value greater than 0
causes the curve to pass close to, but not through, the points.
Lets you undo the previous point selection in case you select the wrong point.
Lets you close the curve into a loop. If you choose this option, you're prompted
to indicate a tangent direction for the closing point.
Joining Splines to Other Objects
While editing drawings, you may encounter a situation where a spline has been broken into
two splines and you need the broken spline to behave as a single spline. The Join command will
“mend” a broken spline, or any set of splines for that matter, as long as the splines are contigu-
ous (touching end to end).
To use the Join command, click the Join tool from the Tool Sets palette's expanded Modify
panel. You can also choose Modify Join or type J ↵. Select the fi rst spline, then select the
splines you want to join to the fi rst.
Join can be used with other objects as well. You can join lines, polylines, 3D polylines, arcs,
elliptical arcs, and helixes, with the following restrictions:
Any of these objects can be joined to a spline, polyline, 3D polyline, or helix.
Lines cannot be joined to arcs or elliptical arcs.
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