Graphics Programs Reference
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1 . Type DED ↵.
2 . At the prompt
Enter type of dimension editing [Home/New/Rotate/Oblique]<Home>:
type N ↵ to use the New option. The in-place text editor and Text Editor visor opens, showing
0 in the text box.
3 . Use the arrow keys to move the cursor behind or in front of the 0, and then enter the text you
want to append to the dimension. You can remove the 0 and replace the dimension with your
text as an alternative.
4 . Click Save on the Text Editor visor.
5 . At the Select objects: prompt, pick the dimensions you want to edit. The Select objects:
prompt remains, enabling you to select several dimensions.
6 . Press ↵ to finish your selection. The dimension changes to include your new text or to replace
the existing dimension text.
The Dimension Edit tool is useful in editing dimension text, but you can also use this tool to make
graphical changes to the text. Here is a list of the other Dimension Edit tool options:
Home Moves the dimension text to its standard default position and angle.
Rotate Rotates the dimension text to a new angle.
Oblique Skews the dimension extension lines to a new angle. (See the section “Skewing
Dimension Lines” later in this chapter.)
Next, try moving the dimension line back by using the Perpendicular osnap:
1. Click the grip at the bottom of the dimension line you just edited.
2. Type PERP ↵ at the command line.
3. Place the cursor on the vertical dimension line that dimensions the balcony and click it.
4. Click View Zoom All from the menu bar (or type Z A ↵) and then choose File
Save from the menu bar (or type Q S AV E ↵) to save this file in its current state.
The selected dimension line moves to align with the other vertical dimension, back to its
original location.
Changing Style Settings of Individual Dimensions
In some cases, you have to change an individual dimension's style settings in order to edit it. For
example, if you try to move the text of a typical linear dimension, you may find that the text and
dimension lines are inseparable. You need to make a change to the dimension style setting that
controls how AutoCAD locates dimension text in relation to the dimension line. This section
describes how you can change the style settings of individual dimensions to facilitate changes
in the dimension.
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