Graphics Programs Reference
In-Depth Information
Setting Up Alternate Units
You can use the Alternate Units tab of the New Dimension Style dialog box to set up
AutoCAD to display a second dimension value in centimeters or millimeters. Likewise, if
you're a metric user, you can set up a second dimension value to display feet and inches. The
following exercise shows you how to set up alternate dimensions. You don't have to do this
exercise now; it's here for your information. If you like, come back later and try it to see how it
affects your dimensions. You can pick up the tutorial in the next section, “Setting the Current
Dimension Style.”
If you decide later that you don't want the alternate units to be displayed, you can turn them
off by returning to the New Dimension Style dialog box and clearing the Display Alternate
Units check box on the Alternate Units tab.
Here are the steps for setting up alternate dimensions:
1. In the Dimension Style Manager, select a style and then click the Options action menu
(gear icon). From the menu, click Modify. Or, if you want to create a new style, click New
(plus symbol).
2. In the Modify Dimension Style dialog box, click the Alternate Units tab (Figure 11.11). This
is virtually identical to the New Dimension Style dialog box you've been working with.
3. Click the Display Alternate Units check box. The options in the tab become available for
your input.
F IG U R E 11.11
The Alternate
Units options
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