Geography Reference
In-Depth Information
Table 18.4 Potential income streams from recreational facilities.
Source: Based on Groome 1993, pp. 140-1.
Box 18.3 Multi-authority collaboration in the Dartmoor Area Tourism Initiative (DATI)
The DATI strategy in the Dartmoor National Park
incorporates the following (Greenwood, 1994):
5 improved public relations, especially by informing
local communities of the park's aims and plans;
6 improved advisory and information role;
7 adopted an interpretation strategy both within and
outside the park to help to disperse visitors from
certain honeypots and to encourage visits to certain
attractions and participation in certain activities;
8 alleviated erosion and damage to key sites by
providing alternative routes and initiating restoration;
9 increased monitoring activities.
1 increased emphasis upon marketing and information
provision to attract visitors to key sites and activities;
2 expanded use of public transport;
3 focus on farm diversification to provide more farm-
based accommodation and farm-based recreation;
4 developed more 'green' tourism via visitor information
and education, and a programme directed at local
businesses and communities;
Plate 18.1 An example of a
'packaged, themed
experience' at Shantytown,
near Greymouth, New
Zealand, where a nineteenth
century goldrush community
has been re-created.
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