Geography Reference
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science education can explain much of the naivety
of many conservation projects and the slow rate at
which methods for participatory conservation
have been adopted. Geography, with its spatial and
interdisciplinary perspectives, is the conservation
discipline of the future.
Baltensweiler, W. (1984) The role of environment and
reproduction in the population dynamics of the larch
budmoth Zieraphera diniana Gn. (Lep.: Torticidiae). in
W.Engels, W.H.Clark, A.Fischer, P.J.W.Olive, and
F.F.Went (eds) Advances in Invertebrate Reproduction, 3,
Belbin, L. (1993) Environmental representativeness:
regional partitioning and reserve selection. Biological
Conservation 66, 223-30.
Blamford, A., Green, M.J.B. and Murray, M.G. (1996)
Using higher-taxon richness as a surrogate for species
richness: I Regional tests. Proceedings of the Royal Society
of London, Series B 263, 1267-74.
Brooks, D.R., Mayden, R.L. and McLennan, D.A. (1992)
Phylogeny and biodiversity: conserving our
evolutionary legacy. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 7(2),
Clinebell, R.R., Phillips, O.L., Gentry, A.H., Starks, N, and
Zuuring, H. (1995) Prediction of neotropical tree and
liana species richness from soil and climatic data.
Biodiversity and Conservation 4, 56-90.
Connell, J.H. (1978) Diversity in tropical rain forests and
coral reefs. Science 199, 1302-10.
Hanski, I. (1996) Metapopulation ecology. In Rhodes,
O.E., Chesser, R.K. and Smith, M.H. (eds) Population
Dynamics in Ecological Space and Time, Chicago:
University of Chicago Press.
Hawthorne, W.D. (1993) Forest regeneration after logging:
findings of a study in the Bia South Game Production
Reserve, Ghana. ODA Forestry Series No. 3, Overseas
Development Administration, London.
Hecnar, S.J. and M'Closkey, R.T. (1997) Spatial scale and
determination of species status of the green frog.
Conservation Biology 11, 670-82.
Hodder, K.H. and Bullock, J.M. (1997) Translocations of
native species in the UK: implications for biodiversity.
Journal of Applied Ecology 34, 547-65.
Janzen, D. (1970) Herbivores and the number of tree
species in tropical forests. American Naturalist 93, 338-9.
MacArthur, R.H. and Wilson, E.O. (1967) The Theory of
Island Biogeography. Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton
University Press.
Macdonald, D.W., Tattersall, F.H., Brown, E.D. and
Balharry, D. (1995) Re-introducing the beaver to
Britain: nostalgic meddling or restoring biodiversity?
Mammal Review, 25, 161-200.
Mares, M.A. (1992) Neotropical mammals and the myth
of Amazonian biodiversity. Science 255, 976-9.
Newbery, D.M., Campbell, E.J.F., Lee, Y.F., Ridsdale, C.E.
and Still, M.J. (1992) Primary lowland dipterocarp
forest at Danum Valley, Sabah, Malaysia: structure,
Maurer, B.A. (1994) Geographical Population Analysis:
Tools for the Analysis of Biodiversity. Blackwell
Scientific Publications, Oxford. An advanced-level
text that discusses the spatial dynamics of species
populations and describes the mathematical
techniques for their description and analysis.
Rosenzweig, M.L. (1995) Species Diversity in Space
and Time. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
An excellent analysis of the ecology of species
diversity with particular emphasis on the spatial
and temporal dynamics of populations.
Scott, J., Davis, F., Csuti, B., Noss, R., Butterfield,
B., Groves, C., Anderson, H., Caicco, S., D'Erchia,
F., Edwards, T., Ulliman, J. and Wright, R. (1993)
Gap analysis: a geographic approach to protection
of biological diversity. Wildlife Monographs 123, 1-
41. A detailed analysis of a technique for
identifying gaps in conservation provision
whereby spatially explicit data such as vegetation
types and wildlife habitats are superimposed on
maps of protected areas.
Sutherland, W.J. (ed.) (1998) Conservation science and
action. Blackwell Science, Oxford, UK. This topic
brings together contributions from authors from
a wide range of disciplines to create a state-of-
the-art review of conservation biology. Chapters
by Kevin Gaston on Biodiversity and William
Adams on Conservation and Development are
particularly valuable.
Andrewartha, H.G. and Birch, L.C. (1954) The Distribution
and Abundance of Animals. Chicago: University of
Chicago Press.
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