Chemistry Reference
In-Depth Information
This chapter provides examples of separations of natural products from various sources,
various chromatographic techniques, and extraction methods. Further downstream,
isolation techniques applicable to large-scale and commercial production are shown.
1. Previously, organic solvents such as benzene, chloroform, carbon tetrachlo-
ride, and hexane were very popular choices. Why are they no longer used?
2. What are the most common solvents or combinations that are used in the
natural products industry today?
3. Using the answers for Question 2, why are they chosen?
4. Name any two of the four first extraction techniques.
5. Name the ways to separate polar compounds and give some examples.
1. R. Cooper, A. C. Horan, F. Gentile, V. Gullo, D. Loebenberg, J. Marquez, M. Patel, M. S.
Puar, and I. Truumees. 1988. Sch 37137, a novel antifungal compound produced by a
Micromonospora sp. taxonomy, fermentation, isolation, structure and biological proper-
ties. J Antibiot (Tokyo) 41(1):13-19.
G aS C hromatoGraphy
P. J. Marriot, R. Shellie, and C. Cornwell. 2001. Gas chromatographic technologies for the
analysis of essential oils. J Chromatogr A 936(1-2):1-22.
p olyamide
M. Gao, X. Wang, M. Gu, Z. Su, Y. Wang, and J.-C. Janson. 2011. Separation of polyphenols
using porous polyamide resin and assessment of mechanism of retention. Journal of
Separation Science 34(15):1853-1858.
e SSential o ilS
K. L. Adam. 2006. Lavender Production, Products, Markets, and Entertainment Farms.
ATTRA-National Sustainable Agriculture Information Service.
E. J. Bowles. 2004. The Chemistry of Aromatherapeutic Oils . 3rd ed. Allen & Unwin.
R. Tisserand and T. Balacs. 1995. Essential Oil Safety: A Guide for Health Care Professionals .
1st ed. Churchill Livingstone.
C affeine and S uperCritiCal Co 2 e xtraCtion
J. Tello, M. Viguera, and L. Calvo. 2011. Extraction of caffeine from Robusta coffee
( Coffea canephora var. Robusta) husks using supercritical carbon dioxide. Journal of
Supercritical Fluids 59:53-60.
C harCoal
K. S. W. Sing. 2005. Overview of physical adsorption by carbons. In Adsorption by Carbons ,
edited by E. Bottani and J. Tascón. 1st ed. Elsevier Science.
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