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5. The execution obeys synchronization-order consistency.
For all volatile reads r in A , it is not the case that either so(r, W(r)) or that there ex-
ists a write w in A such that w.v = r.v and so(W(r), w) and so(w, r) .
17.4.8. Executions and Causality Requirements
We use f | d to denote the function given by restricting the domain of f to d . For all x in
d , f | d ( x ) = f ( x ), and for all x not in d , f | d ( x ) is undefined.
We use p | d to represent the restriction of the partial order p to the elements in d . For
all x , y in d , p ( x , y ) if and only if p | d ( x , y ). If either x or y are not in d , then it is not the
case that p | d ( x , y ).
A well-formed execution E = < P, A, po, so, W, V, sw, hb > is validated by committing
actions from A . If all of the actions in A can be committed, then the execution satisfies the
causality requirements of the Java programming language memory model.
Starting with the empty set as C 0 , we perform a sequence of steps where we take actions
from the set of actions A and add them to a set of committed actions C i to get a new set
of committed actions C i+1 . To demonstrate that this is reasonable, for each C i we need to
demonstrate an execution E containing C i that meets certain conditions.
Formally, an execution E satisfies the causality requirements of the Java programming lan-
guage memory model if and only if there exist:
• Sets of actions C 0 , C 1 , ... such that:
C 0 is the empty set
C i is a proper subset of C i+1
A = ( C 0 , C 1 , ...)
If A is finite, then the sequence C 0 , C 1 , ... will be finite, ending in a set C n = A .
If A is infinite, then the sequence C 0 , C 1 , ... may be infinite, and it must be the case
that the union of all elements of this infinite sequence is equal to A .
• Well-formed executions E 1 , ..., where E i = < P, A i , po i , so i , W i , V i , sw i , hb i >.
Given these sets of actions C 0 , ... and executions E 1 , ... , every action in C i must be one of
the actions in E i . All actions in C i must share the same relative happens-before order and
synchronization order in both E i and E . Formally:
1. C i is a subset of A i
2. hb i | C i = hb | C i
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