Java Reference
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null[9]+=throw => NullPointerException
null[9]+=throw => NullPointerException
null[9]+="heh" => NullPointerException
null[9]+=12345 => NullPointerException
Strings[throw]+=throw => IndexThrow
doubles[throw]+=throw => IndexThrow
Strings[throw]+="heh" => IndexThrow
doubles[throw]+=12345 => IndexThrow
Strings[1]+=throw => RightHandSideThrow
doubles[1]+=throw => RightHandSideThrow
Strings[1]+="heh" => Okay!
doubles[1]+=12345 => Okay!
Strings[throw]+=throw => IndexThrow
doubles[throw]+=throw => IndexThrow
Strings[throw]+="heh" => IndexThrow
doubles[throw]+=12345 => IndexThrow
Strings[9]+=throw => ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
doubles[9]+=throw => ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
Strings[9]+="heh" => ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
doubles[9]+=12345 => ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
The most interesting cases of the lot are eleventh and twelfth from the end:
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Strings[1]+=throw => RightHandSideThrow
doubles[1]+=throw => RightHandSideThrow
They are the cases where a right-hand side that throws an exception actually gets to throw
the exception; moreover, they are the only such cases in the lot. This demonstrates that the
evaluation of the right-hand operand indeed occurs after the checks for a null array refer-
ence value and an out-of-bounds index value.
Example 15.26.2-2. Value Of Left-Hand Side Of Compound Assignment Is Saved
Before Evaluation Of Right-Hand Side
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class Test {
public static void main(String[] args) {
int k = 1;
int[] a = { 1 };
k += (k = 4) * (k + 2);
a[0] += (a[0] = 4) * (a[0] + 2);
System.out.println("k==" + k + " and a[0]==" + a[0]);
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