Java Reference
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The conditional-or operator is syntactically left-associative (it groups left-to-right).
The conditional-or operator is fully associative with respect to both side effects and result
value. That is, for any expressions a , b , and c , evaluation of the expression (( a ) || ( b )) || ( c )
produces the same result, with the same side effects occurring in the same order, as evalu-
ation of the expression ( a ) || (( b ) || ( c )) .
Each operand of the conditional-or operator must be of type boolean or Boolean , or a compile-
time error occurs.
The type of a conditional-or expression is always boolean .
At run time, the left-hand operand expression is evaluated first; if the result has type
Boolean , it is subjected to unboxing conversion (§ 5.1.8 ).
If the resulting value is true , the value of the conditional-or expression is true and the right-
hand operand expression is not evaluated.
If the value of the left-hand operand is false , then the right-hand expression is evaluated; if
the result has type Boolean , it is subjected to unboxing conversion (§ 5.1.8 ). The resulting
value becomes the value of the conditional-or expression.
Thus, || compures the same result as | on boolean or Boolean operands. It differs only in that
the right-hand operand expression is evaluated conditionally rather than always.
15.25. Conditional Operator ? :
The conditional operator ? : uses the boolean value of one expression to decide which of
two other expressions should be evaluated.
ConditionalOrExpression ? Expression : ConditionalExpression
The conditional operator is syntactically right-associative (it groups right-to-left). Thus,
a?b:c?d:e?f:g means the same as a?b:(c?d:(e?f:g)) .
The conditional operator has three operand expressions. ? appears between the first and
second expressions, and : appears between the second and third expressions.
The first expression must be of type boolean or Boolean , or a compile-time error occurs.
It is a compile-time error for either the second or the third operand expression to be an in-
vocation of a void method.
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