Java Reference
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15.22.1. Integer Bitwise Operators & , ^ , and |
When both operands of an operator & , ^ , or | are of a type that is convertible (§ 5.1.8 )
to a primitive integral type, binary numeric promotion is first performed on the operands
5.6.2 ) .
The type of the bitwise operator expression is the promoted type of the operands.
For & , the result value is the bitwise AND of the operand values.
For ^ , the result value is the bitwise exclusive OR of the operand values.
For | , the result value is the bitwise inclusive OR of the operand values.
For example, the result of the expression:
0xff00 & 0xf0f0
The result of the expression:
0xff00 ^ 0xf0f0
The result of the expression:
0xff00 | 0xf0f0
15.22.2. Boolean Logical Operators & , ^ , and |
When both operands of a & , ^ , or | operator are of type boolean or Boolean , then the type of
the bitwise operator expression is boolean . In all cases, the operands are subject to unboxing
conversion (§ 5.1.8 ) as necessary.
For & , the result value is true if both operand values are true ; otherwise, the result is false .
For ^ , the result value is true if the operand values are different; otherwise, the result is false .
For | , the result value is false if both operand values are false ; otherwise, the result is true .
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