Java Reference
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String id(String x) { return x; }
Now, given an invocation:
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C c = new D(); Object()); // fails with a ClassCastException
The erasure of the actual method being invoked, , differs in its signature from
that of the compile-time method declaration, . The former takes an argument of
type String while the latter takes an argument of type Object . The invocation fails with
a ClassCastException before the body of the method is executed.
Such situations can only arise if the program gives rise to a compile-time unchecked
warning (§ 4.8 , § 5.1.9 , § 5.5.2 , § 8.4.1 , § , § , § , § ) .
Implementations can enforce these semantics by creating bridge methods . In the
above example, the following bridge method would be created in class D :
Object id(Object x) { return id((String) x); }
This is the method that would actually be invoked by the Java Virtual Machine in re-
sponse to the call Object()) shown above, and it will execute the cast and fail,
as required.
15.13. Array Access Expressions
An array access expression refers to a variable that is a component of an array.
ExpressionName [ Expression ]
PrimaryNoNewArray [ Expression ]
An array access expression contains two subexpressions, the array reference expression
(before the left bracket) and the index expression (within the brackets).
Note that the array reference expression may be a name or any primary expression
that is not an array creation expression (§ 15.10 ) .
The type of the array reference expression must be an array type (call it T [] , an array whose
components are of type T ), or a compile-time error occurs.
The index expression undergoes unary numeric promotion (§ 5.6.1 ). The promoted type
must be int , or a compile-time error occurs.
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