Java Reference
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method invocation. Then the target reference is the n 'th lexically enclosing in-
stance (§ 8.1.3 ) of this .
It is a compile-time error if the n 'th lexically enclosing instance (§ 8.1.3 ) of this
does not exist.
• If the MethodName is a qualified name of the form TypeName . Identifier , then
there is no target reference.
• If the MethodName is a qualified name of the form FieldName . Identifier , then
there are two subcases:
♦ If the invocation mode is static , then there is no target reference. The expres-
sion FieldName is evaluated, but the result is then discarded.
♦ Otherwise, the target reference is the value of the expression FieldName .
2. If the second production for MethodInvocation , which includes a Primary , is in-
volved, then there are two subcases:
• If the invocation mode is static , then there is no target reference. The expression
Primary is evaluated, but the result is then discarded.
• Otherwise, the expression Primary is evaluated and the result is used as the tar-
get reference.
In either case, if the evaluation of the Primary expression completes abruptly, then
no part of any argument expression appears to have been evaluated, and the meth-
od invocation completes abruptly for the same reason.
3. If the third production for MethodInvocation , which includes the keyword super , is
involved, then the target reference is the value of this .
4. If the fourth production for MethodInvocation , ClassName . super , is involved, then
the target reference is the value of ClassName .this .
5. If the fifth production for MethodInvocation , beginning with TypeName .
NonWildTypeArguments , is involved, then there is no target reference.
Example Target References and static Methods
When a target reference is computed and then discarded because the invocation mode
is static , the reference is not examined to see whether it is null :
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class Test1 {
static void mountain() {
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