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How do we compute H < Y > ? As before, note that the declaration of G must in-
troduce a type parameter S , and there must be some (non-wildcard) invocation
of H , H < U 1 > , that is a supertype of G < S > . However, substituting ? extends U for
S is not generally valid. To see this, assume U 1 = T [] .
Instead, we produce an invocation of H , H <? extends U 1 >[ S = U ] . In the simplest
instance, U 1 might be S , in which case we have G < S > <: H < S >, and G <? extends
U > <: H <? extends U > = H <? extends S >[ S = U ] = V .
Otherwise, if A is of the form G < ..., X k-1 , ? extends W , X k+1 , ... > , this algorithm
is applied recursively to the constraint W >> U .
We have A = G <? extends W > >> F = G <? extends U > for some type expression W .
By the subtyping rules for wildcards it must be the case that W >> U .
Otherwise, no constraint is implied on T j .
• If F has the form G < ..., Y k-1 , ? super U , Y k+1 , ... > , where U is a type expression that
involves T j , then A is either:
♦ If A is an instance of a non-generic type, then no constraint is implied on T j .
Restricting the analysis to the unary case, we have the constraint A >> F = G <?
super U > . A must be a supertype of the generic type G . However, since A is not
a parameterized type, it cannot depend upon U in any way. It is a supertype of
the type G <? super X > for every X such that ? super X is a valid type argument to
G . No meaningful constraint on U can be derived from A .
♦ If A is an invocation of a generic type declaration H , where H is either G or su-
perclass or superinterface of G , then:
If H G , then let S 1 , ..., S n be the type parameters of G , and let H < U 1 , ..., U l >
be the unique invocation of H that is a supertype of G < S 1 , ..., S n > , and let V =
H <? super U 1 , ..., ? super U l >[ S k = U ] . Then this algorithm is applied recursively
to the constraint A >> V .
The treatment here is analogous to the case where A = G <? extends U > . Here our
example would produce an invocation H <? super U 1 >[ S = U ] .
Otherwise, if A is of the form G < ..., X k-1 , ? super W , ..., X k+1 , ... > , this al-
gorithm is applied recursively to the constraint W << U .
We have A = G <? super W > >> F = G <? super U > for some type expression W . It
must be the case that W << U , by the subtyping rules for wildcard types.
Otherwise, no constraint is implied on T j .
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