Java Reference
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color = p.color;
If the programmer then runs the old binary file for Test with the new binary file for
ColoredPoint , the output is still:
cp: (3,3,red)
because the old binary file for Test still has the descriptor “one parameter, whose type
is Point ; void ” associated with the method call cp.adopt(cp2) . If the source code for Test is
recompiled, the Java compiler will then discover that there are now two applicable ad-
opt methods, and that the signature for the more specific one is “one parameter, whose
type is ColoredPoint ; void ”; running the program will then produce the desired output:
cp: (3,3,green)
With forethought about such problems, the maintainer of the points package could fix
the ColoredPoint class to work with both newly compiled and old code, by adding de-
fensive code to the old adopt method for the sake of old code that still invokes it on
ColoredPoint arguments:
public void adopt(Point p) {
if (p instanceof ColoredPoint)
color = ((ColoredPoint)p).color;
x = p.x; y = p.y;
Ideally, source code should be recompiled whenever code that it depends on is
changed. However, in an environment where different classes are maintained by dif-
ferent organizations, this is not always feasible. Defensive programming with careful
attention to the problems of class evolution can make upgraded code much more ro-
bust. See §13 for a detailed discussion of binary compatibility and type evolution. Identify Potentially Applicable Methods
The class or interface determined by compile-time step 1 (§ 15.12.1 ) is searched for all
member methods that are potentially applicable to this method invocation; members inher-
ited from superclasses and superinterfaces are included in this search.
In addition, if the method invocation has, before the left parenthesis, a MethodName of the
form Identifier , then the search process also examines all member methods that are (a) im-
ported by single-static-import declarations (§ 7.5.3 ) and static-import-on-demand declara-
tions (§ 7.5.4 ) within the compilation unit (§ 7.3 ) within which the method invocation oc-
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