Java Reference
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For the method invocation two(1) within class Doubler , there are two accessible meth-
ods named two , but only the second one is applicable, and so that is the one invoked
at run time.
For the method invocation two(3) within class Test , there are two applicable methods,
but only the one in class Test is accessible, and so that is the one to be invoked at run
time (the argument 3 is converted to type long ).
For the method invocation Doubler.two(3) , the class Doubler , not class Test , is searched
for methods named two ; the only applicable method is not accessible, and so this meth-
od invocation causes a compile-time error.
Another example is:
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class ColoredPoint {
int x, y;
byte color;
void setColor(byte color) { this.color = color; }
class Test {
public static void main(String[] args) {
ColoredPoint cp = new ColoredPoint();
byte color = 37;
cp.setColor(37); // compile-time error
Here, a compile-time error occurs for the second invocation of setColor , because no
applicable method can be found at compile time. The type of the literal 37 is int , and
int cannot be converted to byte by method invocation conversion. Assignment conver-
sion, which is used in the initialization of the variable color , performs an implicit con-
version of the constant from type int to byte , which is permitted because the value 37 is
small enough to be represented in type byte ; but such a conversion is not allowed for
method invocation conversion.
If the method setColor had, however, been declared to take an int instead of a byte , then
both method invocations would be correct; the first invocation would be allowed be-
cause method invocation conversion does permit a widening conversion from byte to
int . However, a narrowing cast would then be required in the body of setColor :
void setColor(int color) { this.color = (byte)color; }
Here is an example of overloading ambiguity. Consider the program:
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