Java Reference
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• If the form is MethodName , then there are three subcases:
♦ If it is a simple name, that is, just an Identifier , then the name of the method is
the Identifier .
If the Identifier appears within the scope (§ 6.3 ) of a visible method declaration
with that name, then:
If there is an enclosing type declaration of which that method is a member,
let T be the innermost such type declaration. The class or interface to search
is T .
Otherwise, the visible method declaration may be in scope due to one or
more single-static-import (§ 7.5.3 ) or static-import-on-demand (§ 7.5.4 ) de-
clarations. There is no class or interface to search, as the method to be in-
voked is determined later (§ 15.12.2 ).
♦ If it is a qualified name of the form TypeName . Identifier , then the name of the
method is the Identifier and the class to search is the one named by the
TypeName .
If TypeName is the name of an interface rather than a class, then a compile-time
error occurs, because this form can invoke only static methods and interfaces
have no static methods.
♦ In all other cases, the qualified name has the form FieldName . Identifier .
The name of the method is the Identifier and the class or interface to search is
the declared type T of the field named by the FieldName , if T is a class or inter-
face type, or the upper bound of T if T is a type variable.
• If the form is Primary . NonWildTypeArguments opt Identifier , then the name of the
method is the Identifier .
Let T be the type of the Primary expression. The class or interface to be searched
is T if T is a class or interface type, or the upper bound of T if T is a type variable.
It is a compile-time error if T is not a reference type.
• If the form is super . NonWildTypeArguments opt Identifier , then the name of the
method is the Identifier and the class to be searched is the superclass of the class
whose declaration contains the method invocation.
Let T be the type declaration immediately enclosing the method invocation. It is a
compile-time error if T is the class Object or T is an interface.
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