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Otherwise, S is an inner member class (§ 8.5 ) , and then:
• If the class instance creation expression is an unqualified class instance creation
expression, then:
♦ If the class instance creation expression occurs in a static context, then a
compile-time error occurs.
♦ Otherwise, if S is a member of an enclosing class, then let O be the innermost
lexically enclosing class of which S is a member, and let n be an integer such
that O is the n 'th lexically enclosing class of the class in which the class in-
stance creation expression appears.
The immediately enclosing instance of i with respect to S is the n 'th lexically en-
closing instance of this .
♦ Otherwise, a compile-time error occurs.
• Otherwise, the class instance creation expression is a qualified class instance cre-
ation expression.
The immediately enclosing instance of i with respect to S is the object that is the
value of the Primary expression.
15.9.3. Choosing the Constructor and its Arguments
Let C be the class being instantiated. To create an instance of C , i , a constructor of C is
chosen at compile time by the following rules.
First, the actual arguments to the constructor invocation are determined:
• If C is an anonymous class, and the direct superclass of C , S , is an inner class,
♦ If S is a local class and S occurs in a static context, then the arguments in the
argument list, if any, are the arguments to the constructor, in the order they ap-
pear in the expression.
♦ Otherwise, the immediately enclosing instance of i with respect to S is the first
argument to the constructor, followed by the arguments in the argument list of
the class instance creation expression, if any, in the order they appear in the
• Otherwise the arguments in the argument list, if any, are the arguments to the con-
structor, in the order they appear in the expression.
Second, a constructor of C and corresponding result type and throws clause are determined:
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