Java Reference
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15.8.4. Qualified this
Any lexically enclosing instance (§ 8.1.3 ) can be referred to by explicitly qualifying the
keyword this .
Let C be the class denoted by ClassName . Let n be an integer such that C is the n 'th lexic-
ally enclosing class of the class in which the qualified this expression appears.
The value of an expression of the form ClassName .this is the n 'th lexically enclosing in-
stance of this .
The type of the expression is C .
It is a compile-time error if the current class is not an inner class of class C or C itself.
15.8.5. Parenthesized Expressions
A parenthesized expression is a primary expression whose type is the type of the contained
expression and whose value at run time is the value of the contained expression. If the con-
tained expression denotes a variable then the parenthesized expression also denotes that
The use of parentheses affects only the order of evaluation, except for a corner case
whereby (-2147483648) and (-9223372036854775808L) are legal but - (2147483648) and -
(9223372036854775808L) are illegal.
This is because the decimal literals 2147483648 and 9223372036854775808L are allowed
only as an operand of the unary minus operator (§ 3.10.1 ).
In particular, the presence or absence of parentheses around an expression does not (except
for the case noted above) affect in any way:
• the choice of value set (§ 4.2.3 ) for the value of an expression of type float or double .
• whether a variable is definitely assigned, definitely assigned when true , definitely
assigned when false , definitely unassigned, definitely unassigned when true , or def-
initely unassigned when false (§16).
15.9. Class Instance Creation Expressions
A class instance creation expression is used to create new objects that are instances of
new TypeArguments opt TypeDeclSpecifier TypeArgumentsOrDiamond opt
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