Java Reference
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tiple threads of execution (using the thread execution model in ยง17), for all possible
computational values that might be involved.
In the case of floating-point calculations, this rule applies also for infinity and not-a-num-
ber (NaN) values.
For example, !(x<y) may not be rewritten as x>=y , because these expressions have dif-
ferent values if either x or y is NaN or both are NaN.
Specifically, floating-point calculations that appear to be mathematically associative are
unlikely to be computationally associative. Such computations must not be naively re-
For example, it is not correct for a Java compiler to rewrite 4.0*x*0.5 as 2.0*x ; while
roundoff happens not to be an issue here, there are large values of x for which the first
expression produces infinity (because of overflow) but the second expression pro-
duces a finite result.
So, for example, the test program:
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strictfp class Test {
public static void main(String[] args) {
double d = 8e+307;
System.out.println(4.0 * d * 0.5);
System.out.println(2.0 * d);
because the first expression overflows and the second does not.
In contrast, integer addition and multiplication are provably associative in the Java pro-
gramming language.
For example a+b+c , where a , b , and c are local variables (this simplifying assumption
avoids issues involving multiple threads and volatile variables), will always produce
the same answer whether evaluated as (a+b)+c or a+(b+c) ; if the expression b+c occurs
nearby in the code, a smart Java compiler may be able to use this common subexpres-
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