Java Reference
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A class or interface may be unloaded if and only if its defining class loader may be re-
claimed by the garbage collector as discussed in ยง 12.6 .
Classes and interfaces loaded by the bootstrap loader may not be unloaded.
Class unloading is an optimization that helps reduce memory use. Obviously, the se-
mantics of a program should not depend on whether and how a system chooses to im-
plement an optimization such as class unloading. To do otherwise would compromise
the portability of programs. Consequently, whether a class or interface has been un-
loaded or not should be transparent to a program.
However, if a class or interface C was unloaded while its defining loader was poten-
tially reachable, then C might be reloaded. One could never ensure that this would not
happen. Even if the class was not referenced by any other currently loaded class, it
might be referenced by some class or interface, D , that had not yet been loaded. When
D is loaded by C 's defining loader, its execution might cause reloading of C .
Reloading may not be transparent if, for example, the class has static variables (whose
state would be lost), static initializers (which may have side effects), or native methods
(which may retain static state). Furthermore, the hash value of the Class object is de-
pendent on its identity. Therefore it is, in general, impossible to reload a class or in-
terface in a completely transparent manner.
Since we can never guarantee that unloading a class or interface whose loader is po-
tentially reachable will not cause reloading, and reloading is never transparent, but
unloading must be transparent, it follows that one must not unload a class or interface
while its loader is potentially reachable. A similar line of reasoning can be used to de-
duce that classes and interfaces loaded by the bootstrap loader can never be unloaded.
One must also argue why it is safe to unload a class C if its defining class loader can
be reclaimed. If the defining loader can be reclaimed, then there can never be any live
references to it (this includes references that are not live, but might be resurrected by
finalizers). This, in turn, can only be true if there are can never be any live references
to any of the classes defined by that loader, including C , either from their instances or
from code.
Class unloading is an optimization that is only significant for applications that load
large numbers of classes and that stop using most of those classes after some time. A
prime example of such an application is a web browser, but there are others. A char-
acteristic of such applications is that they manage classes through explicit use of class
loaders. As a result, the policy outlined above works well for them.
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