Java Reference
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• The try block can throw E , or an expression used to initialize a resource (in a try -
with-resources statement) can throw E , or the automatic invocation of the close()
method of a resource (in a try -with-resources statement) can throw E , and E is not
assignment compatible with any catchable exception class of any catch clause of
the try statement, and either no finally block is present or the finally block can com-
plete normally; or
• Some catch block of the try statement can throw E and either no finally block is
present or the finally block can complete normally; or
• A finally block is present and can throw E .
An explicit constructor invocation statement (§ ) can throw an exception class E iff
• Some expression of the constructor invocation's parameter list can throw E ; or
E is determined to be an exception class of the throws clause of the constructor that
is invoked (§ ).
Any other statement S can throw an exception class E iff an expression or statement imme-
diately contained in S can throw E .
11.2.3. Exception Checking
It is a compile-time error if a method or constructor body can throw some exception class
E when E is a checked exception class and E is not a subclass of some class declared in the
throws clause of the method or constructor.
It is a compile-time error if a class variable initializer (§ 8.3.2 ) or static initializer (§ 8.7 ) of
a named class or interface can throw a checked exception class.
It is a compile-time error if an instance variable initializer or instance initializer of a named
class can throw a checked exception class unless that exception class or one of its super-
classes is explicitly declared in the throws clause of each constructor of its class and the
class has at least one explicitly declared constructor.
Note that no compile-time error is due if an instance variable initializer or instance
initializer of an anonymous class (§ 15.9.5 ) can throw an exception class. In a named
class, it is the responsibility of the programmer to propagate information about which
exception classes can be thrown by initializers, by declaring a suitable throws clause on
any explicit constructor declaration. This relationship between the checked exception
classes thrown by a class's initializers and the checked exception classes declared by a
class's constructors is assured implicitly for an anonymous class declaration, because
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