Java Reference
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• The expression is a qualified class instance creation expression and the qualifying
expression can throw E ; or
• Some expression of the argument list can throw E ; or
E is determined to be an exception class of the throws clause of the constructor that
is invoked (§ ); or
• The class instance creation expression includes a ClassBody , and some instance
initializer block or instance variable initializer expression in the ClassBody can
throw E .
A method invocation expression (§ 15.12 ) can throw an exception class E iff either:
• The method to be invoked is of the form Primary.Identifier and the Primary ex-
pression can throw E ; or
• Some expression of the argument list can throw E ; or
E is determined to be an exception class of the throws clause of the method that is
invoked (§ ).
For every other kind of expression, the expression can throw an exception class E iff one
of its immediate subexpressions can throw E .
11.2.2. Exception Analysis of Statements
A throw statement (§ 14.18 ) whose thrown expression has static type E and is not a final or
effectively final exception parameter can throw E or any exception class that the thrown
expression can throw.
For example, the statement throw new; can throw only. Formally, it is not the case that it “can throw” a sub-
class or superclass of .
A throw statement whose thrown expression is a final or effectively final exception para-
meter of a catch clause C can throw an exception class E iff:
E is an exception class that the try block of the try statement which declares C can
throw; and
E is assignment compatible with any of C 's catchable exception classes; and
E is not assignment compatible with any of the catchable exception classes of the
catch clauses declared to the left of C in the same try statement.
A try statement (§ 14.20 ) can throw an exception class E iff either:
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