Java Reference
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These other named interfaces are the direct superinterfaces of the interface being declared.
Any class that implements the declared interface is also considered to implement all the in-
terfaces that this interface extends .
extends InterfaceTypeList
The following is repeated from § 4.3 and § 8.1.5 to make the presentation here clearer:
InterfaceTypeList , InterfaceType
TypeDeclSpecifier TypeArguments opt
Given a (possibly generic) interface declaration for I < F 1 ,..., F n > ( n ≥ 0), the direct super-
interfaces of the interface type I < F 1 ,..., F n > are the types given in the extends clause of the
declaration of I if an extends clause is present.
Let I < F 1 ,..., F n > ( n > 0), be a generic interface declaration. The direct superinterfaces of the
parameterized interface type I < T 1 ,..., T n > , where T i (1 ≤ i n ) is a type, are all types J < U 1
θ,..., U k θ > , where J < U 1 ,..., U k > is a direct superinterface of I < F 1 ,..., F n > , and θ is the substi-
tution [ F 1 := T 1 ,..., F n := T n ] .
Each InterfaceType in the extends clause of an interface declaration must name an accessible
6.6 ) interface type; otherwise a compile-time error occurs.
The superinterface relationship is the transitive closure of the direct superinterface rela-
tionship. An interface K is a superinterface of interface I if either of the following is true:
K is a direct superinterface of I .
• There exists an interface J such that K is a superinterface of J , and J is a superint-
erface of I , applying this definition recursively.
Interface I is said to be a subinterface of interface K whenever K is a superinterface of I .
While every class is an extension of class Object , there is no single interface of which all
interfaces are extensions.
An interface I directly depends on a type T if T is mentioned in the extends clause of I either
as a superinterface or as a qualifier within a superinterface name.
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