Java Reference
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ColoredPoint(int x, int y) {
this(x, y, color); // Changed to color from WHITE
ColoredPoint(int x, int y, int color) {
super(x, y);
this.color = color;
then a compile-time error would occur, because the instance variable color cannot be
used by a explicit constructor invocation statement.
Let C be the class being instantiated, and let S be the direct superclass of C .
It is a compile-time error if S is not accessible (§ 6.6 ) .
If a superclass constructor invocation statement is qualified, then:
• If S is not an inner class, or if the declaration of S occurs in a static context, then a
compile-time error occurs.
• Otherwise, let p be the Primary expression immediately preceding “ .super ”. Let O
be the innermost lexically enclosing class of S .
It is a compile-time error if the type of p is not O or a subclass of O , or if the type
of p is not accessible (§ 6.6 ) .
If a superclass constructor invocation statement is unqualified, and if S is an inner member
class, then it is a compile-time error if S is not a member of a lexically enclosing class of C
by declaration or inheritance.
Evaluation of an alternate constructor invocation statement proceeds by first evaluating the
arguments to the constructor, left-to-right, as in an ordinary method invocation; and then
invoking the constructor.
Evaluation of a superclass constructor invocation statement is more complicated, as fol-
1. Let C be the class being instantiated, let S be the direct superclass of C , and let i be
the instance being created.
2. The immediately enclosing instance of i with respect to S (if any) must be determ-
• If S is not an inner class, or if the declaration of S occurs in a static context, no
immediately enclosing instance of i with respect to S exists.
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