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public static void main(String[] args) {
Test sample = new Test();
System.out.println(sample.x + " " + ((Point)sample).x);
This program produces the output:
4.7 2
4.7 2
because the declaration of x in class Test hides the definition of x in class Point , so class
Test does not inherit the field x from its superclass Point . It must be noted, however, that
while the field x of class Point is not inherited by class Test , it is nevertheless imple-
mented by instances of class Test . In other words, every instance of class Test contains
two fields, one of type int and one of type double . Both fields bear the name x , but with-
in the declaration of class Test , the simple name x always refers to the field declared
within class Test . Code in instance methods of class Test may refer to the instance vari-
able x of class Point as super.x .
Code that uses a field access expression to access field x will access the field named x
in the class indicated by the type of reference expression. Thus, the expression sample.x
accesses a double value, the instance variable declared in class Test , because the type of
the variable sample is Test , but the expression ((Point)sample).x accesses an int value, the
instance variable declared in class Point , because of the cast to type Point .
If the declaration of x is deleted from class Test , as in the program:
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class Point {
static int x = 2;
class Test extends Point {
void printBoth() {
System.out.println(x + " " + super.x);
public static void main(String[] args) {
Test sample = new Test();
System.out.println(sample.x + " " + ((Point)sample).x);
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