Java Reference
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♦ In a field declaration (§ 8.3 , § 9.3 )
♦ As the result type of a method (§ 8.4 , § 9.4 )
♦ As the type of a formal parameter of a method or constructor (§ 8.4.1 , § 8.8.1 ,
§ 9.4 )
♦ As the type of an exception that can be thrown by a method or constructor
8.4.6 , § 8.8.5 , § 9.4 )
♦ As the type of a local variable (§ 14.4 )
♦ As the type of an exception parameter in a catch clause of a try statement
14.20 )
♦ As the type in a class literal (§ 15.8.2 )
♦ As the qualifying type of a qualified this expression (§ 15.8.4 ) .
♦ As the class type which is to be instantiated in an unqualified class instance
creation expression (§ 15.9 )
♦ As the direct superclass or direct superinterface of an anonymous class
15.9.5 ) which is to be instantiated in an unqualified class instance creation
expression (§ 15.9 )
♦ As the element type of an array to be created in an array creation expression
15.10 )
♦ As the qualifying type of field access using the keyword super 15.11.2 )
♦ As the qualifying type of a method invocation using the keyword super
15.12 )
♦ As the type mentioned in the cast operator of a cast expression (§ 15.16 )
♦ As the type that follows the instanceof relational operator (§ 15.20.2 )
A name is syntactically classified as an ExpressionName in these contexts:
• As the qualifying expression in a qualified superclass constructor invocation )
• As the qualifying expression in a qualified class instance creation expression
15.9 )
• As the array reference expression in an array access expression (§ 15.13 )
• As a PostfixExpression 15.14 )
• As the left-hand operand of an assignment operator (§ 15.26 )
A name is syntactically classified as a MethodName in these contexts:
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