Environmental Engineering Reference
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The parameter L e,iso is the isotropic radiant intensity, that falls out of the
equation when calculating the degree of diffuse shading. When using the
anisotropic distribution, the integral also includes the angle-dependent radiant
intensity L e . However, only numerical methods are able to solve this integral.
When simulating tilted planes, the angle of incidence
, according to Equation
(2.24), must be considered. Therefore, a complex analytical solution also exists
(Quaschning and Hanitsch, 1998).
The diffuse irradiance E diff,P
through the polygon surface of an object
polygon with n polygon points p 1
α 1 ,
γ 1 ) to p n
α n ,
γ n ) can be calculated
Finally, the degree of shading of diffuse irradiance S diff,hor for a horizontal
surface is the ratio of the diffuse irradiance reduction and the total diffuse
irradiance. For an isotropic radiant intensity distribution, the shading becomes:
The degree of diffuse irradiance for a tilted surface is calculated analogously:
If the object polygon is transparent, the shading degree S must be weighted
additionally with the transmittance
Estimation of total shading
The global irradiance E G,hor on a horizontal surface can now be calculated
using the direct irradiance E dir,hor
and diffuse irradiance E diff,hor
on the
horizontal plane and the degrees of shading S dir and S diff,hor :
The global irradiance E G,tilt on a tilted surface can be calculated analogously.
A corrected albedo value A can be used to consider any possible reduction of
the ground reflection E refl,tilt
(see also Equation 2.35). Hence, the global
irradiance becomes:
The methods described here are implemented in the SUNDI software that can
be found on the CD-ROM of this topic.
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