Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
The question whether investments in renewable energies should have to yield a
return needs to be asked. When buying a luxury car, few people think about
profitability. Indeed, there are other economic options available to transport
people from one site to another. However, tens of thousands or even hundreds
of thousands of Euros can be spent on a luxury car without the investor asking
for a rate of return. Yet if the same amount of money were to be invested in
renewable energy systems, the investor would demand a return on capital.
Arguments in favour of investing in a car include improved comfort and a
higher quality of life; however, are these arguments not also valid for
renewable energy systems? The use of energy resources that have a lower
negative impact on nature and public health surely increases the quality of life
of many people. However, the people who benefit from these investments are
not necessarily the same as those who make the investment.
Many individuals have already installed solar energy systems without
focusing on getting a good return on their investment. Some companies have
even installed unprofitable systems, citing an improvement in corporate image
as the reason for the investment. A gain in prestige is a concept that is difficult
to express in economic terms. Therefore, it is to be hoped that architectonically
presentable solar energy systems will in the future achieve the same sentimental
value as a luxury car or a fur coat does today.
If all the points discussed above are considered, renewable energy sources
should achieve a significantly higher share of the energy supply market very
soon to minimize the risks of global warming or nuclear accidents. Only then
will it be possible to keep our planet in a condition that can support a life
worth living for future generations.
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