Graphics Programs Reference
In-Depth Information
Selector Tool, the Infobar offers transformation options you
can use to directly change a shape, or enter numerical data for
precise transformation.
Show Rotation
Show Object
Edit Handles
Show Selection
Bounds Handles
Show Fill
Edit Handles
Set Object
Origin Position
Width and
Lock Aspect
Selection Bounds Handles
This button toggles the
handles on and off that you use to scale and rotate
objects. There is a Show Rotation Handles toggle button
on the Infobar, but as long as the selection's outermost
extent is visible—its bounds—if you put your cursor
just a little inside the corner handles, you get a double-
headed cursor that you can use to drag a rotation angle
for the selected shape. Unless your zoom level is very
distant from a selected object and you can't clearly drag
a different selection handle (such as an object's fill), it's
a good idea to always leave handles visible.
Show Object Edit Handles
When toggled on, this
option shows the control points along the path of a
shape, and the center point of QuickShapes. When edit
handles are hidden, you need to use the Shape Editor
Tool to move a shape's control points; when toggled
on, you can directly edit a path's control points with the
Selector Tool.
Show Fill Edit Handles
If an object has a solid fill,
there is no advantage to making the fill edit handles
visible. However, you can scale, move, and rotate
gradients, fractal fills, and bitmap fills with the Selector
Tool with this button toggled on. When off, you need to
use the Fill Tool to modify the shape's fill.
Show Rotation Handles
For the beginner, this is a
good button to toggle on when you need rotation and
skew handles to be clearly visible. Curved double-
headed arrows at each corner can be dragged to rotate
the selected shape. To skew (slant) the shape, you use
the 3, 6, 9, and 12 o'clock middle handles. An alternative
method for showing rotation and skew handles is to click
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