Graphics Programs Reference
In-Depth Information
Fancy Outlines for Your Paths
Color and width are only the beginning to outline properties.
You can use both shape and outline properties in harmony to
design outstanding compositions, as the next sections take you
The Lines Gallery Folders: Applying Styles
The Line gallery contains six folders. The New Brush Strokes
folder only contains the default (an even line) unless you've
created a user stroke (you'll learn how to build one later in
this chapter), and new brush strokes are saved locally on a
document-to-document basis.
Figure 3-6 shows the categories of strokes and some of the
Natural media
You can apply these strokes while
using the Freehand and Brush Tool; you can also apply
them after creating a path with the Shape Editor Tool or
the Pen Tool and apply them to QuickShapes. Natural
media, Novelty, and Stroke shapes/Pressure profiles
F IGURE 3-6 The Line gallery is
your resource for all the strokes
(outlines for paths) available on
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