Graphics Programs Reference
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photographs that buildings and other objects have height, width,
and depth. Also, a three-quarter view of a building, such as this
one, is often the most flattering; when you see one- and two-
plane perspectives in photographs, they don't provide viewers
with as complete visual detail about the scene as when all
possible sides of an object are revealed and presented.
The fonts you'll use in this adventure are knock-offs
of Rundfunk and Carbaga Cursive; they do not contain the
complete character set nor are they intended as replacements for
these fine commercial typefaces. They simply work well in sign
design, they're fresh, and investigating commercial typefaces is
a good idea before you begin a paying gig.
Windows and the Mac OS natively support OpenType fonts. To install typefaces in Windows,
go to Control Panel, open the Fonts panel, and drag the files into the folder. In OS X, drag and
drop the fonts into the Fonts folder in the Library folder.
Let's say the store's name is “Fresh Antiques.” In the
following steps you'll use Runymede, all caps and wide
spacing, to create the base upon which the 3D “Fresh” lettering
will rest. Let's pay attention to lighting and compatible colors
for the sign.
Zoom into the top area of the building where one
expects signage.
Choose the Type Tool, and then click an insertion point
at the left of the area for the sign.
Click in the Font list on the Infobar. Type
RUN to get
Runymede in the box, and then click the name of the
font in the list below the box to select it.
ANTIQUES . Highlight the text and increase the
font size to 48 pts; then click the Increase Tracking
button until the field reads about 180 (alternatively, type
the number in the field and then press ENTER ). Wide
tracking (sometimes called kerning , though not exactly
the same thing) is a novel design trick, and extruded text
needs a little air between characters for legibility.
With the Selector Tool, scale the text larger or smaller
until it just fits in the area for the sign. The text will be
extruded and rotated to match the angle of the building
so it's okay if the text is a little on the large side.
Choose a tropical pink color for the fill.
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