Biology Reference
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[Delphinapterus], 17 [Platanista], 19-20 [Pontoporia, labeled as Stenodelphis], 21-
22 [Inia], 23 [Lipotes], 25 [Sousa], 27 [Phocoena], 28 [Neophocaena, labeled as
Neomeris], 31 [Orcinus], 32 [Orcaella], 34 [Globicephala], 35 [Feresa], 36
[Cephalorhynchus], 38-40 [Lagenorhynchus], 42 [Grampus], 44 [Tursiops], 45
[Stenella], and 47 [Delphinus]); and see Barnes, 2006:40, character 37).
38. Posterior-most termination of premaxilla with an entire, or rounded margin [0]; or
posterior termination of premaxilla bifurcated, with the bifurcation containing an
exposed wedge of the maxilla [1]. The derived character state (defined by Barnes,
2006:40, character 38) exists on a referred specimen of Zarhachis flagellator, as
shown by Kellogg (1926:pl. 2).
39. Zygomatic process of squamosal with glenoid fossa facing anteroventrally, and not
dorsoventrally expanded on its lateral side [0] (as in Allodelphis pratti, and
Zarhinocetus errabundus, see Figures 1C, 2C, and 3C; and Barnes, 2006: Figures 2
and 3); or zygomatic process much expanded dorsoventrally, so that it is flattened
transversely, the glenoid fossa is concave medially and closed on its lateral side, and
the area of the zygomatic process that is anterior to the glenoid fossa has a medially-
directed concavity [1]. The derived character state is present on the holotype of
Prepomatodelphis korneuburgensis (see Barnes, 2002b:415, Figure 2b; 2006:40,
character 39, and shown on Figures 4, 5, and 6), on a referred specimen of Zarhachis
flagellator (see Kellogg, 1926:pl. 5; and Figure 9 herein), and in Recent Platanista
gangetica (see Van Beneden & Gervais, 1868-1880: pl. XXXI, Figure 2b; Kellogg,
1924:pl. 6; Fraser & Purves, 1960: pls. 17-18; and Figure 11 herein).
40. Zygomatic process of squamosal in lateral view not markedly deeper at the
posterior end, having a nearly equal dorsoventral thickness for most of its full length
[0]; or posterior part of zygomatic process of squamosal much deepened
dorsoventrally in its posterior part [1]. The derived character state is present on the
holotype of Prepomatodelphis korneuburgensis (see Barnes, 2002b:415, Figure 2b;
2006:40, character 40, Figure 5).
41. Posterolateral sulcus on premaxilla that emanates from the premaxillary foramen;
uniform in depth or shallow throughout its length [0]; or sulcus very deep,
particularly in its posterior part, where its lateral margin may overhang the sulcus [1]
(see specimens illustrated by Van Beneden & Gervais, 1868-1880:pl. XXX, Figure
19; by Kellogg, 1926: pl. 2; and by Barnes, 2002: Figure 2a; 2006:40, character 41,
Figure 4).
42. Surface of premaxillary sac fossa on dorsal surface of posterior part of premaxilla;
nearly smooth or only slightly convex [0]; or undulating, having in its mid-part a
sulcus that is bounded both medially and laterally by ridges of bone, and abruptly
sloping ventrally at both its medial and lateral margins [1]. The derived character
state is present on the holotype of Prepomatodelphis korneuburgensis (see Barnes,
2002b: Figure 2a; 2006:40, character 42, Figure 4).
43. Ventrolateral-most part of lambdoidal crest narrow and only slightly projecting
from lateral surface of braincase [0]; or much thickened anteroposteriorly and having
a prominent rounded edge, that is at least 10 mm thick around the posterior margin of
the temporal fossa and spanning from the dorsal surface of the zygomatic process of
the squamosal to the lateral wall of the braincase [1]. The derived character state is
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