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driving an ecosystem and the moment when a new management approach is needed are
difficult to determine. As a consequence, continued environmental destruction and species
extirpation would be allowed in the name of modern resources management (Simberloff,
1998). The simplest option to achieve some level of ecosystem conservation would be the
protection of umbrella species, i.e. a species inhabiting an extensive habitat and that
protecting it would conserve many other species (Simberloff, 1998). The process could be
facilitated if the umbrella species is also a flagship (a charismatic large vertebrate) that would
anchor conservation campaigns. Franciscana is a good example. Regulating fishing effort to
minimize bycatch mortality would also benefit some already collapsed bottom-dwelling fish
stocks. Conservation of flagship species is often expensive and may take too much time until
implementation. Delay may be such that some populations/stocks might decline to such low
levels that recovery would be difficult.
Arias, A., da Rocha, J., Weiskel, H. W., Fidelix, L., De Haro, C., Cremer, M., Lázaro,
M., & Siciliano, S. (2002). Report of the Working Group on Legislation and Education .
In E. R. Secchi (Ed.), Special Issue on the Biology and Conservation of Franciscana.
The Latin American Journal of Aquatic Mammals, 1 (special issue 1, pp. 67-70). Rio de
Janeiro, Brazil: Socieiedad Latinoamericana de Especialistas en Mamiferos Acuaticos
Bassoi, M. (1997). Avaliação da dieta alimentar de toninha, Pontoporia blainvillei
(Gervais and D' Orbigny, 1844), capturadas acidentalmente na pesca costeira de
emalhe no sul do Rio Grande do Sul. Bachelor Thesis, Rio Grande, Brazil: Fundação
Universidade do Rio Grande.
Bassoi, M. & Secchi, E.R. (2000). Temporal variation in the diet of franciscana
Pontoporia blainvillei (Cetacea, Pontoporiidae) as a consequence of fish stocks
depletion off southern Brazil. IV Encontro para a Coordenação da Pesquisa e
Conservação da Franciscana, Pontoporia blainvillei , no Atlântico Sul Ocidental,
Working paper No. 9.
Bastida, R., Rivero, L., & Rodríguez, D. (2000). Presencia inusual de elementos de
origen antrópico en los contenidos estomacales de la franciscana ( Pontoporia
blainvillei ). IV Encontro para a Coordenação da Pesquisa e Conservação da
Franciscana, Pontoporia blainvillei , no Atlântico Sul Ocidental, Working paper No. 26.
Bertozzi, C. & Zerbini, A. N. (2002) Incidental mortality of franciscana, Pontoporia
blainvillei , in the artisanal fishery of Praia Grande, São Paulo State, Brazil. The Latin
American Journal of Aquatic Mammals (special issue), 1, 153-160.
Bordino, P & Albareda, D. (2005). Incidental mortality of Franciscana dolphin,
Pontoporia blainvillei , in coastal gillnet fisheries in Buenos Aires, Argentina. DT Nº 12
(in Abstracts), V Taller para la Coordinación de la Investigación y Conservación del
delfín Franciscana ( Pontoporia blainvillei ) en el Atlántico Sudoccidental, 28-30
November, Mar del Plata, Argentina.
Bordino, P., Kraus, S., Albareda, D., Fazio, A., Palmiero, A., Mendez, M. & Botta, S.
(2002). Reducing incidental mortality of franciscana dolphin ( Pontoporia blainvillei )
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