Biology Reference
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[76] Ott, P. H. (2002). Diversidade genética e estrutura populacional de duas espécies de
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[77] Ott, P. H. & Danilewicz, D. S. (1996). Presence of franciscana dolphins ( Pontoporia
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[78] Pilleri, G. (1971). On the La Plata dolphin Pontoporia blainvillei off the Uruguayan
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[79] Pinedo, M.C. (1991). Development and variation of the franciscana Pontoporia
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[81] Pinedo, M. C. (1995). Development and variation in external morphology of the
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[82] Pinedo, M. C. & Hohn, A. (2000). Growth layer patterns in teet from the franciscana,
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[84] Praderi, R. (1985). Relaciones entre Pontoporia blainvillei (Mammalia: Cetacea) y
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[85] Praderi, R. (1986). Comentarios sobre la distribución de Pontoporia blainvillei en aguas
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[87] Praderi, R. (2000). Estado actual de la mortalidad de franciscana en las pesquerías
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[88] Raga, J. A., Aznar, J., Balbuena, J. A. & Dailey, M. D. (1994). Hadwenius pontoporiae
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