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haplotype diversity was detected in Sotalia fluviatilis (Table 3). Phylogenetic relationships
among CR haplotypes were reconstructed by Maximum Parsimony, Maximum Likelihood
(using the output model from Modeltest HKY+I+G) and Neighbor- Joining (Figure 2).
Figure 2. Neighbor-Joining phylogenetic reconstruction of Control Region haplotypes (577 bp),
showing bootstrap values (1,000 replicates) and the frequency of occurrence in each geographic region.
Abbreviations follow Figure 1 and Table 1. Letters on terminal branches represent haplotype codes.
Figure 3. Haplotype genealogy obtained from the Union of Maximum Parsimonious Trees (UMP)
analysis. The size of the circles reflect frequency of a particular haplotype found in the Colombian
Amazon (CA), Peruvian Amazon (PA) and Brazilian Amazon (BA) geographic regions. Connections
between haplotypes found in all mostly parsimonious trees are represented by a continuous line, while
connections between haplotypes found in parsimonious trees are represented by a dotted line. Vertical
bars represent substitutions between haplotypes.
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