Game Development Reference
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in the previously described categories. But games of this ilk still tie their
systemic gameplay experiences together with noninteractive sequences
that are as aligned with the Three-Act Structure as any Hollywood epic. By
providing context, structure, fictionalized motivations, and an emotional
center, predefined narrative elements prevent the game from devolving in-
to a repetitious, endless, and potentially empty-feeling experience.
99 Percent Player Story
A game design that includes characters and a world, but almost com-
pletely eschews crafted narrative structure in favor of gameplay.
No overarching story, just a world and narrative context
No ending per se
Often multiple player characters with wide variety of customization
Allows for “perma-death” of multiple player characters
Emphasis on strategy and/or tactics
Sometimes multiplayer-only
League of Legends
Team Fortress 1 and 2
SimCity series
The Sims series
Mortal Kombat
Dead or Alive series
Super Smash Brothers series
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