Game Development Reference
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The third option when confronting a coincidence in one's story is to mask
or downplay it. This only works for relatively minor, nagging coincidences.
Trying to use this technique on a major case of deus ex machina would be
akin to putting a Band-Aid on an amputation wound.
Like a dextrous magician performing a card trick, a talented writer can
manipulate her audience and distract their attention away from something
on which she doesn't want them to focus—in this case, a less-than-likely
Let's look again at Star Wars for a prime example of downplaying a signi-
ficant coincidence. The scene is at the juncture of Act II and III, just after
Luke, Han, Leia, Chewbacca, and the droids have escaped the Death Star
on the Millennium Falcon and destroyed the pursuing TIE fighters.
After cheering and celebrating their victory, our protagonists settle
down and begin assessing damage and discussing next steps. In the cock-
pit, Han boasts to Leia about his rescuing prowess, but she bursts his
bubble by insisting the Imperials must have allowed them to escape. She
believes the Falcon is being tracked. When Han protests, she changes the
subject and says she's glad R2-D2 is still intact and hopes the secret plans
the droid is carrying will reveal a weakness in the Death Star's defenses.
Han makes it clear he has no interest in the Rebels' situation and only
wants to be paid for his trouble. Leia, disappointed, assures Han that if
money is all he cares about, that's what he'll receive. As she departs the
cockpit and Luke enters, she expresses her low opinion of Han and his
mercenary ways.
Now alone in the cockpit, Luke and Han talk a bit about Leia, with Luke
testing Han's feelings toward the princess. Han, realizing Luke is attracted
to Leia, toys with the youth a bit by pretending to have an interest in Leia
after all. Luke's defensive reaction makes Han chuckle.
At this point we see the Falcon arrive at the gas giant Yavin, then ap-
proach and land on a forest-covered moon, in a well-hidden hangar bay,
which is quickly revealed to be part of the Rebels' secret base.
Did you spot the coincidence? If not, don't worry—you're by no means
alone. But let's take a closer look.
In the first few seconds of this scene on the Millennium Falcon , Leia re-
veals two important facts. One, that R2-D2 is carrying the plans for the
Death Star; schematics which the Rebels desperately need to study to try
to find a weakness. And two, that she is convinced that the Imperials pur-
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