Biomedical Engineering Reference
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Figure 10.13 Results of a manual resistance test to ensure no cross-talk between the
peroneii (PER) muscle and the tibialis anterior (TA) and lateral gastrocnemius (LG)
muscles. The first trial showed negligible cross-talk between PER and TA; the second
contraction showed negligible cross-talk between PER and LG. See text for further
details. (Reprinted from the Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology ,Vol.4,
Winter, D. A., A. J. Fuglevand, and S. Archer. “Cross-talk in Surface Electromyography:
Theoretical and Practical Estimates,” pp. 15 - 26, 1994, with permission of Elsevier.)
Section 2.1). The adjacent channels, x (t ) and y(t ) , are isometrically con-
tracted for about 10 s at a moderate contraction level. The general equation
for cross-correlation, R xy ( τ ) , between signals x (t ) and y(t ) is:
x (t ) ·
y (t
τ ) dt
R xy ( τ ) =
R xx ( 0 )
R yy ( 0 )
where x (t ) and y(t ) , respectively, are at a phase shift of 0. R xx ( 0 ) and R yy ( 0 )
are the mean squares of x (t ) and y(t ) , respectively, over the time T . τ is
normally varied
30 ms, and a typical cross-correlation for two electrode
pairs located 2 cm apart is presented in Figure 10.14. Note that the peak
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