Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
2. Buy a combo-ticket online at (€1.50 booking fee, not changeable).
The “free tickets” you'll see listed are valid only for EU citizens with ID.
3. Pay to join an official guided tour, or rent an audioguide or videoguide (see “Tours,”
here ). This lets you march right up to the Colosseum's guided visits (Visite Guidate) desk,
thus bypassing the ticket lines. Even if you don't use the device or accompany the guided
tour, the extra cost might be worth it just to skip the ticket line.
4. Hire a private walking-tour guide. Guides of varying quality linger outside the Colos-
seum, offering tours that allow you to skip the line. Be aware that these private guides may
on this option, see “Tours” on here .
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