Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
• Turn left on Rue de la Loge, then left again on Rue Centrale, to reach...
Place Rossetti: The most Italian of Nice's piazzas, Place Rossetti feels more like Roma
than Nice. Named for the man who donated his land to create this square, Place Rossetti
comesaliveafterdark.Therecommended Fenocchiogelatoshopispopularforitsmanyfla-
vors, ranging from classic to innovative.
Walk to the fountain and stare back at the church. This is the Cathedral of St. Répar-
ate —anunassumingbuildingforamajorcity'scathedral.Itwasrelocatedhereinthe1500s,
when Castle Hill was temporarily converted to military use only. The name comes from
Nice's patron saint, a teenage virgin named Réparate whose martyred body floated to Nice
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