Travel Reference
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bon. Local businessmen encourage a razeteur (dressed in white with a red cummerbund) by
shouting out how much money they'll pay for the cocarde . If the bull pulls a good stunt, the
bandplaysthefamous“Toreador”songfrom Carmen .Thefollowingday,newspapersreport
on the games, including how many Carmens the bull earned.
Three classes ofbullgames—determined bythe experience ofthe razeteurs —are advert-
ised in posters: The course de protection is for rookies. The trophée de l'Avenir comes with
more experience. And the trophée des As features top professionals. During Easter and the
fallrice-harvestfestival (FériaduRiz), thearenahoststraditionalSpanishbullfightsasithas
for 150 years (look for corrida ) with outfits, swords, spikes, and the whole gory shebang.
Don't pass on a chance to see Toro Piscine, a silly spectacle for warm summer evenings
stage courses camarguaises in small wooden bullrings nearly every weekend; TIs have the
latest schedule, or check online at .
Cost and Hours: Arles' bullgame tickets usually run €5-15; bullfights are pricier
(€14-80). Schedules vary (usually July-Aug on Wed and Fri)—ask at the TI or check online
at .
Sleep Code
(€1 = about $1.30, country code: 33)
S = Single, D = Double/Twin, T = Triple, Q = Quad, b = bathroom, s = shower only,
cepted and English is spoken.
To help you sort easily through these listings, I've divided the accommodations
into three categories based on the price for a standard double room with bath:
$$$ Higher Priced —Most rooms €90 or more.
$$ Moderately Priced —Most rooms between €65-90.
$ Lower Priced —Most rooms €65 or less.
Prices can change without notice; verify the hotel's current rates online or by
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