Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Dalí Museum (L'Espace Dalí)
This beautifully lit black gallery (well-described in English) offers a walk through statues,
etchings, and paintings by the master of Surrealism. The Spaniard found fame in Paris in
the 1920s and '30s. He lived in Montmartre for a while, hung with the Surrealist crowd in
Don't miss the printed interview on the exit stairs.
Cost and Hours: €11, not covered by Museum Pass, audioguide-€3, daily 10:00-18:00,
July-Aug until 20:00, 11 Rue Poulbot, tel. 01 42 64 40 10, .
Montmartre Museum (Musée de Montmartre)
This 17th-century home re-creates the traditional cancan-and-cabaret Montmartre scene,
with paintings, posters, photos, music, and memorabilia. Once the residence of Pierre-
Auguste Renoir and Maurice Utrillo, the museum now houses the original Lapin Agile sign,
Bruant, the earthy cabaret singer and club owner.
Cost and Hours: €8, includes good audioguide, not covered by Museum Pass, daily
10:00-18:00, 12 Rue Cortot, tel. 01 49 25 89 39, .
Paris' red light district, the infamous “Pig Alley,” is at the foot of Butte Montmartre. Ooh la
la. It's more racy than dangerous. Walk from Place Pigalle to Place Blanche, teasing desper-
ate barkers and fast-talking temptresses. In bars, a €150 bottle of (what would otherwise be)
exercise good judgment. Cancan can cost a fortune, as can con artists in topless bars. After
dark, countless tour buses line the streets, reminding us that tour guides make big bucks by
bringing their groups to touristy nightclubs like the famous Moulin Rouge (Mo: Pigalle or
Museum of Erotic Art (Musée de l'Erotisme)
Paris' sexy museum has five floors of risqué displays—mostly paintings and draw-
ings—ranging from artistic to erotic to disgusting, with a few circa-1920 porn videos and a
fascinating history of local brothels tossed in. It's in the center of the Pigalle red light dis-
Cost and Hours: €10, €7 online,'s not covered by the Museum Pass, daily
10:00-2:00 in the morning, 72 Boulevard de Clichy, Mo: Blanche, tel. 01 42 58 28 73, .
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