Travel Reference
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The nouveau Champs-Elysées,revitalizedin1994,hasnewerbenchesandlamps,broad-
er sidewalks, all-underground parking, and a fleet of green-suited workers who drive mo-
torized street cleaners. Blink away the modern elements, and it's not hard to imagine the
Self-Guided Walk: To reach the top of the Champs-Elysées, take the Métro to the
Arc de Triomphe (Mo: Charles de Gaulle-Etoile), then saunter down the grand boulevard
(Métro stops every few blocks, including George V and Franklin D. Roosevelt). If you plan
to tour the Arc de Triomphe (see next listing), do it before starting this walk.
Fancy car dealerships include Peugeot, at #136 (showing off its futuristic concept cars,
often alongside the classic models), and Mercedes-Benz, a block down at #118, where you
can pick up a Mercedes watch and cufflinks to go with your new car. In the 19th century
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