Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Pariscope: The weekly €0.40 Pariscope magazine (or one of its clones, available at
any newsstand) lists museum hours, art exhibits, concerts, festivals, plays, movies, and
nightclubs. Smart sightseers rely on this for the latest listings.
Other Publications: L'Officiel des Spectacles (€0.35), which is similar to Pariscope,
also lists goings-on around town (in French). The Paris Voice , with snappy reviews of con-
certs,plays,andcurrentevents,isavailableonlyonlineat .Forasched-
ule of museum hours and English museum tours, get the free Musées, Monuments His-
toriques, et Expositions booklet at any museum.
Helpful Websites: These websites come highly recommended for local information and
events: , , and .
American Church and Franco-American Center: This interdenominational
church—in the Rue Cler neighborhood, facing the river between the Eiffel Tower and Orsay
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