Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Numbers and Stumblers
• Europeans write a few of their numbers differently than we do: 1 = , 4 = , 7 = .
• In Europe, dates appear as day/month/year, so Christmas is 25/12/14.
a half is $1,50, one thousand is 1.000, and there are 5.280 feet in a mile.
• When pointing, use your whole hand, palm down.
• When counting with fingers, start with your thumb. If you hold up your first finger to
request one item, you'll probably get two.
• What we Americans call the second floor of a building is the first floor in Europe.
• On escalators and moving sidewalks, Europeans keep the left “lane” open for passing.
Keep to the right.
Metric Conversions (approximate)
A kilogram is 2.2 pounds, and l liter is about a quart, or almost four to a gallon. A kilometer
is six-tenths of a mile. I figure kilometers to miles by cutting them in half and adding back
10 percent of the original (120 km: 60 + 12 = 72 miles, 300 km: 150 + 30 = 180 miles).
1 foot = 0.3 meter
1 yard = 0.9 meter
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