Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Between the Duomo and Piazza della Signoria
▲▲▲ Bargello (Museo Nazionale)
This underappreciated sculpture museum is in a former police station-turned-prison that
looks like a mini-Palazzo Vecchio. The Renaissance began with sculpture—the great
Florentine painters were “sculptors with brushes.” You can see the birth of this revolution of
3-D in the Bargello (bar-JEL-oh), which boasts the best collection of Florentine sculpture.
It's a small, uncrowded museum and a pleasant break from the intensity of the rest of
The Bargello has Donatello's very influential, painfully beautiful David (the first male
ures. Moody Donatello, who embraced realism with his lifelike statues, set the personal and
artistic style for many Renaissance artists to follow. The best pieces are in the ground-floor
room at the foot of the outdoor staircase (with fine works by Michelangelo, Cellini, and Gi-
twodifferent David s,plusGhibertiandBrunelleschi'srevolutionaryduelingdoorpanelsand
yet another David by Verrocchio).
Cost and Hours: €4, €7 with mandatory exhibits, covered by Firenze Card, Tue-Sat
8:15-13:50, until 16:50 during special exhibits (generally April-Oct); also open first, third,
and fifth Mon and the second and fourth Sun of each month; last entry 30 minutes be-
fore closing, reservations possible but unnecessary, audioguide-€6 (€10/2 people), photos
in courtyard only, Via del Proconsolo 4, reservation tel. 055-238-8606, .
Casa di Dante (Dante's House)
Dante Alighieri (1265-1321), the poet who gave us The Divine Comedy, is the Shakespeare
of Italy, the father of the modern Italian language, and the face on the country's €2 coin.
Even though it has English information, this small museum (in a building near where he
likely lived) assumes visitors have prior knowledge of the poet. It's not a medieval-flavored
house with period furniture—it's just a small, low-tech museum about Dante. Still, Dante
lovers can trace his interesting life and works through pictures, models, and artifacts. And
can learn a little about Dante and the city he lived in.
CostandHours: €4,coveredbyFirenzeCard;April-Septdaily10:00-18:00;Oct-March
Tue-Sun 10:00-17:00, closed Mon; last entry 30 minutes before closing, near the Bargello at
Via Santa Margherita 1, tel. 055-219-416, .
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