Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
If you must visit a TI, you'll find offices at the train station (next to track 1, daily
13:00-19:00 in summer, opens at 9:00 in winter), on St. Mark's Square (daily 9:00-19:00,
in far-left corner with your back to the basilica), nearby at the San Marco-Vallaresso va-
poretto dock (shares office with bookshop and Alilaguna ticket sales, daily 9:00-19:00), or
at the airport (daily 9:00-20:00).
Maps: Of all places, you need a good map in Venice. Hotels give away freebies (no
better than the small color one at the front of this topic). The TI sells a decent €2.50 map
and miniguide—but you can find a wider range at bookshops, newsstands, and postcard
stands. The cheap maps are pretty bad, but if you spend €5, you'll get a map that shows you
everything. Investing in a good map can be the best €5 you'll spend in Venice.
Helpful History Timelines: For historical orientation, local guide Michael Broderick
(listed later, under “Tours in Venice”) has produced three poster-size timelines that cleverly
map the city's history and art (sold at local bookstores; see ) .
Arrival in Venice
A two-mile-long causeway (with highway and train lines) connects Venice to the mainland.
Mestre, the sprawling mainland section of Venice, has fewer crowds, cheaper hotels, and
plenty of inexpensive parking lots, but zero charm. Don't stop in Mestre unless you're park-
ing your car or transferring trains.
By Train
All trains to “Venice” stop at Venezia Mestre (on the mainland). Most continue on to Santa
Lucia Station (a.k.a. Venezia S.L.) on the island of Venice itself. If your train only stops at
Mestre, worry not. Your train ticket to Venice will get you to Venezia S.L. Just hop any train
et from Mestre to Santa Lucia, you can buy one at a machine for €1.
Venice's Santa Lucia train station (Ferrovia) plops you right into the old town on the
Grand Canal, an easy vaporetto ride or fascinating 40-minute walk to St. Mark's Square. If
the station's TI is crowded when you arrive, skip it and visit one of the two TIs at St. Mark's
Square instead. It's not worth a long wait for a minimal TI map (buy a good one from a
newsstand or pick up a free one at your hotel). Confirm your departure plan (use the ma-
chines or just study the partenze /departures posters on walls).
Consider storing unnecessary heavy bags. Baggage check is at track 1 (€5/5 hours, €11/
24hours,daily6:00-23:50,nolockers). WCs (€0.80)areattrack1andinthebackofthebig
bar/cafeteria area inside the station.
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